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We have collected together lots of information and advice on all aspects of psychology for children and young people. Scroll down to see our top tips and advice for children, young people and families.
With all best wishes,
Dr Helen Care, Chartered Clinical Psychologist
When is a lie not a lie?
When is a lie not a lie? Have you heard of Julia Donaldson’s book, ‘Tiddler’ – the fish with the big imagination, "who blew small bubbles...
Do play with your food!
“Play is the answer to the question, ‘How does anything new come about?’” ~ Jean Piaget I Don't like it! Have you spent an hour cooking...
What names do you give your kids?
Can you imagine going through life with the worst name in the world? Now we've all met some people where we wonder what the parents were...
Self-Harm - how and why we hope to help
When Frankie, then aged 11, spoke to us about a friend who had revealed she was thinking about self-harming, we were suddenly catapaulted...
Reducing Anxiety in Teens
A bucket full of stress The charity Anxiety UK says: "One way of thinking about your anxiety is to imagine your stress levels as being...
How to start an emotional conversation
This is a gecko that tells you what to say in difficult situations! He was designed by a boy in Yr 6. How incredible is this guy? I...
Ideas for family games
- happier together through play! Happy International Day of Happiness! Yes indeed, it is the 20th March, it is 2019 and so it is the...
New approach to worry and anxiety
Don’t worry, be happy…..(well, some of the time!) “In every life we have some trouble, But when you worry you make it double. Don't...
How do I prepare my child for a blood test?
- do we tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Well we've certainly never advocated telling anything but the truth!...
Why it's OK to Fail
Let's build resilience this Mental Health Week and beyond.
Risky business
We need to play up the successes, help our children to see their progress and feel our trust. It's a balance between safe and learning to be
Change the story about our young people
It's all too easy to be concerned about young people...But they all have a story to tell about interests or a cause they are passionate abou
When Your Appearance Matters
Do you feel pressure about your appearance? We live in a social media environment where everything is very visual. If you are feeling self-c
Be Your Own Superhero
How to help kids unleash their superpowers for whatever the problem is.
How BIG is Brave?
I think most people’s every day lives can take an element of bravery to get through. And to be honest, teens’ lives often more so because
Make a Worry Box
A worry box is a tool that can help children or adults to express themselves and manage their worries. Firstly, it's a way to limit the...
Express Yourself!
The theme of this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week (1st-7th Feb) is ‘Express Yourself’* This seems very appropriate in a year when a...
Colouring for your mind
Understanding the science behind mindful colouring for mental health Lots of you will have heard of mindful colouring and I really...
Inspiring teens
You guys are so inspirational! I spend a lot of my working life talking to teenagers and young people. I love it! It is some of the best...
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